Tuesday 31 December 2013

The Five Elements

I am the sun, when you shiver in winter.
I am your lamp, when you are lost in dark.
I am the candle, when you celebrate your life.
I am the fire, when you are hungry and you cook.
Because.......I am the ‘Flame’ in your life.
Don’t feel sad....don’t feel guilty if you extinguish me forever with a little puff of air. Because no matter how many times you blow me off, you will need me for one last time. ‘That Day’, when you will be lying lifeless and lonely on your Pyre. I will come back again to take in my arms your lifeless yet ‘lively’ body. To look into your closed yet ‘open’ eyes, to kiss your cold yet ‘warm’ lips. That day I will become you and you will become me.
Yes.....I am the ‘Flame’ in you afterlife as well. 

I am your Sweat, when you toil in the sun.
I am your tears, when you cry Alone.
I am the raindrops, when you dance in the rains.
I am the holy water, when you kneel before god.

I am the water, the Elixir in your Life.
I know one day you will dry me off with the heat of your humanly arrogance. Don’t feel sad, because you will still need me for one last time. ‘That Day' when you will breathe your last, your loved ones will bring me close to your lips. And I will come that day to flow into your dry lips, to quench your thirst for one last time.......
For, I am the Water, the Elixir in your afterlife as well.

I am the soil, when you sow your seed.
I am the sand, when you walk on the beach.
I am your bed, when you sleep on the grasses.
I am the dust, which rises from the ashes.
I am the Earth in your life.
One day you will dust me off and retreat in your ivory tower. Don’t feel lonely that day. For even you know, you will come to me for one last time. ‘That Day’ when the undertaker will lower you into my arms, I will hold you like my newborn child.....forever.
Yes ... I am the Earth in your afterlife as well.

I am the fragrance of a flower, I am the smoke of the fire.
I am the gentle breeze in you, I am the storm of your desire.
I am the Air in your life.
And even though you don’t have time to breathe today, ‘That Day’ you will be desperate for me, That day you will  want me to stay forever.  That day I will flow into you for one last time and your soul will flow with me. 
Yes.....I am the Air in your afterlife as well. 

I am the space....No...I am not in your life. But still you blow off the fire; dry off the water; dust off the earth and block the air.....and all this, just to make Space for yourself.
Why don’t you realise..... Only ‘That Day’ when you will dissolve into your fire, your water, your earth and your air..... only then, you will make space for yourself.

Because I am the Space... Only....Yes Only in your afterlife


  1. is this your creativity? Seriously very well written and described

  2. Nice , seems transform from Engg to philosophy
